Panel for FS2004 Cessna 337 Skymaster with Bendix King Avionics
by Ricardo Cabrera

Install the panel folder into the aircraft folder you wish to use this panel with. Install the contents of the gauges folder into the main FS2004 Gauges folder.


I would like to give credit for all the gauges that where used in this panel to the designers and programers who created them. I created the background from a ohotograf of a Skyrocket and put the avionics where I would have. Any feedback plese feel free to email me. Hope you enjoy!

This panel is strickly for freeware, is not to be sold.

This FREEWARE panel has been created by the author,Any freeware
gauge files included with this panel are the properties of
their respective authors and as such fall under whatever guidelines
they may reserve. You may re-distribute or re-upload it to other net locations
but you may NOT use it for any commercial-purpose WITHOUT all
the author's explicit, written PERMISSION in advance.
Any infringements could result in a complaint for violation
of copyright.